Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Mike the Mad Biologist — Republican Rep. Paul Ryan Wants to Create Massive Government Bureaucracy

Essentially, what Paul Ryan wants to do is create a government bureaucracy to monitor these ‘contracts’ (or, maybe monitor the Social Contract?). Conservatives have spent the last forty years railing against this very thing. Of course, people will disagree about whether they hit these ‘benchmarks’, so we’ll need to hire people to adjudicate that process. More ‘big government.’ It also opens people up to the predations and whims of ‘petty government bureaucrats.’
Republican Rep. Paul Ryan Wants to Create Massive Government Bureaucracy
Mike the Mad Biologist
(h/t Mark Thoma at Economist's View)

What Mike the Mad Biologist overlooks is what's in the back of Paul Ryan's mind. He clearly has no intention of creating a new government bureaucracy, which is against everything he stands for. What he wants would be a quasi-judicial system, privatized and run by business to discipline workers and teach them how to work.

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