Monday, January 9, 2017

Leonid Bershidsky — 6 Problems With U.S. Intel on the Russian Hacks

Leonid Bershidsky is a Russian expatriate though not a russophobia. He is opposed to Putin's leadership. His views are quite objective in this instance. He, too, finds the work of the US intelligence report wanting.

One statement pops out, however.
RT is openly and proudly funded by the Kremlin, so there are no doubts concerning its non-journalistic goals.
Surely Bershidsky is aware that BBC is funded by the British government and Voice of America by the US government. He must also be aware that the National Endowment for Democracy is also partly financed by the US government. On his logic it is safe to conclude that these institutions are controlled or influenced by their respective governments and can be expected to advance the position of these governments.

Bloomberg View
6 Problems With U.S. Intel on the Russian Hacks
Leonid Bershidsky, columnist

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